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Badger Brothers Moving Staff

Last Updated: 3/3/2022


To all of our valued clients,


Two years into the COVID-19 Pandemic, society is starting to move closer to “normal” as case rates decrease. Still, we will continue to take COVID-19 very seriously at Badger Brothers Moving and follow all CDC guidelines.


Public Health of Madison and Dane County has lifted the Mask Mandate and other COVID-19 restrictions on 3/1/2022. In addition, CDC guidelines surrounding COVID-19 community levels were recently updated on 2/25/2022. Accordingly, we’re updating our policies and procedures to reflect current government orders and CDC guidelines.


The health and safety of our clients, staff, and community is always our top priority. Please rest assured that as the situation around COVID-19 evolves, we are closely monitoring and preparing for any outcomes that may arise from it. Moving and relocation services have been deemed “essential services” throughout the pandemic in Wisconsin. Government and health officials are calling upon companies like ours to continue to operate during these difficult times, and we are answering that call by continuing to provide our services with utmost care and strict adherence to guidelines set forth by the CDC, WHO, PHMDC, and local government orders.


In the following paragraphs, we’ll discuss COVID-19 in more detail, what we’re doing to prepare for and mitigate the spread of this virus, and what you can do as a client to prepare for any possible disruptions to the service that we provide.


How does COVID-19 spread?


Covid-19 spreads mostly from person to person through respiratory droplets produced when someone who is sick coughs or sneezes. It’s also possible that this virus can spread when someone touches a contaminated surface and then touches their nose, eyes, or mouth. For more information on how COVID-19 spreads, please visit


By practicing GREAT hygiene and following CDC guidelines, we can help mitigate the spread of this virus. These practices are the foundation of our plan moving forward. 


Right to Health Information Privacy.

We want to remind our staff and clients that health information is highly sensitive and private in nature. Furthermore, it is difficult to obtain, verify, and securely store this private information. For these reasons, we will not require proof of vaccination from any employees or clients. That is, we will not ask about, record, or store any health information relating to COVID-19 vaccination status for any employees or clients. Our employees have been directed on the sensitivity of this information and have been instructed that vaccination status should not be a topic of conversation at work or during a move. Instead, we will clearly articulate CDC guidelines to employees and clients with the simple expectation that employees and clients will follow them. If any of our clients are worried or uncertain of these changes, we will offer alternative solutions upon request such as having employees wear a mask regardless of vaccination status in those situations.



Following Policies of OTHER Businesses, Apartments, etc.

While the CDC has relaxed its guidelines around COVID-19, we will still comply with any and all policies set forth by other businesses, apartment buildings, and commercial properties, as these businesses still have the right to implement and enforce their own policies. If our employees are told to wear a mask in a public space while working as an employee of Badger Brothers Moving, they will comply. We will keep a box of disposable masks in every truck for use when needed.



Accommodating Customer Needs


While the CDC has relaxed its guidelines around COVID-19, we recognize that we must be patient and understanding with clients during these uncertain times. Some clients will be uncomfortable with these changes at first. If our employees are asked by a client to wear a mask while working as an employee of Badger Brothers Moving, they will respect the client’s wishes. We will keep a box of disposable masks in every truck for use when needed.



Badger Brothers Moving Policies & Procedures


Our employees are proactively following guidelines and advice set forth by the CDC, WHO, and other health organizations. This includes:


1.) We are encouraging our employees to get a COVID-19 vaccination.


2.) All employees are REQUIRED to stay at home and NOT come into work when sick or experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.



3.) All employees must certify that they are NOT experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 after clocking-in and before beginning any work each day. 



4.) All employees must certify that they have NOT been in close contact anyone who has experienced symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19 after clocking-in and before beginning any work each day. 



5.) All employees must certify that they have NOT traveled to a location under a CDC Level 3 travel advisory in the past 14 days after clocking-in and before beginning any work each day. 



6.) All employees must record their temperatures and confirm they DO NOT have a fever (defined as 100.4+ degrees Fahrenheit) after clocking-in and before beginning any work each day. 



7.) Any employee who reports to work while experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or with a fever of 100.4+ degrees Fahrenheit will be sent home. The employee will be allowed to return to work after testing negative for COVID-19 or if a doctor confirms the cause of the employee’s fever or other symptoms is not COVID-19 and releases the employee to return to work in writing.



8.) In accordance with current CDC guidelines, employees will no longer need to practice physical distancing or wear a mask unless otherwise instructed by a client or place of business.


9.) All employees are required to practice EXCELLENT hygiene on-the-job.


This includes:


  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick.

  • Washing their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Hands must minimally be washed at the following times:

    • Before starting EVERY move.

    • After completing EVERY move.

    • Before touching their masks

    • After touching their masks.

    • After coughing or sneezing.

    • After using the restroom.

    • After touching any frequently touched objects or surfaces.

    • NOTE: If soap and water are not readily available, employees will use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. 


  • Avoiding touching the eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Covering a cough or sneeze with a tissue. If no tissue is available, sneeze or cough into the elbow, not hands. 


10.) All employees are required to maintain a clean & safe work environment at all times.


This includes:


  • Disinfecting all work spaces and equipment during and/or after EVERY move.

  • Sanitizing the inside of the truck (door handles, steering wheel, radio, dashboard, tablets, cell phones, etc.) during and/or after EVERY move.

  • Sanitizing all moving equipment, moving blankets, and the inside of the box of the truck during and/or after EVERY move.

  • Wiping down all surfaces in our office/conference rooms/shared work spaces throughout the day.

    • Managers will wipe down all office spaces at 9am, 1pm, and 5pm every day.



11.) All employees are strongly encouraged to follow COVID-19 precautions off-the-job as well.


This includes:


  • Following any and all applicable laws and orders regarding COVID-19.


  • Abiding by any and all recommendations by the CDC and public health officials.



What you can do as our Client.

We’re doing everything we can to ensure little or no disruption to the services we provide. At the same time, we’re asking all of our clients to do as much as they can to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 as well. This includes:

1.  Get a COVID-19 vaccine when it is available to you.


2.  Honest and responsible communication about developing health conditions. If you have been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, or if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, PLEASE call our office immediately to discuss. We will likely need to cancel or reschedule your move.  Symptoms include cough, fever, shortness of breath, etc. We work with at-risk populations, including the elderly, quite often at Badger Brothers Moving.  Clients who are sick but don’t cancel their reservation are needlessly exposing other innocent people and families to this virus who may have an underlying health condition and are far more likely to become severely or critically ill. We understand that your move is important, and contracting COVID-19 right before the big move is no doubt bad timing. But at the end of the day, we have to put people, health, and lives first - even if it may cause you the inconvenience of having to delay your move, make other arrangements, or even move yourself. We have the right to refuse service to anybody, and the movers will likely leave if they arrive and you’re visibly ill.


3.  Practice excellent hygiene. If you have a move coming up, it is clearly important for you to stay healthy to avoid having to cancel or reschedule your reservation. You can achieve this with great hygiene, as described above. For more information on hygiene, please visit


4.  Flexibility. We’ve never had to cancel a move in the 12 years we’ve been in business, including the last two years during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have several processes in place to make sure that this never happens. However, we’re still in uncertain territory. Please be flexible and understanding as we try to navigate this pandemic and the impact it may have on our business operations. If for any reason we need to cancel moves or cease operations, we’ll let you know as soon as possible. We do not foresee any disruptions to the services we provide at this time.


In Conclusion

We’re all concerned about the effects COVID-19 continues to have on our community. As you can see, we’re taking this very seriously at Badger Brothers Moving. We are doing our part to slow down the spread by being smart, mindful, responsible, and by taking the precautions noted above. While the situation around COVID-19 is certainly improving, we will continue to have a heightened sense of caution, awareness, and hygiene.  We look forward to making your move fun and easy during these uncertain times. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns!

Thank you,


Eric & Adrian Lee

Badger Brothers Moving, LLC

Price Match Guaranteed*
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Madison, WI 

313 W. Beltline Hwy

Madison, WI 53713

Milwaukee, WI

W227N937 Westmound Drive
Waukesha, WI 53186

Milwaukee, WI 

6110 N. Flint Rd.

Glendale, WI 53209

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Hours at ALL locations:

Monday:       8am - 5pm

Tuesday:       8am - 5pm

Wednesday: 8am - 5pm

Thursday:     8am - 5pm

Friday:          8am - 5pm

Saturday:      8am - 2pm

Sunday:        Office Closed*

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*Though we do provide moving services 7 days per week, our office is closed on Sundays.

Service Areas:

We have proudly served the state of Wisconsin for over 14 years. This includes Madison, Milwaukee, Waukesha, Janesville, Racine, Kenosha, Fond du lac, Sheboygan, Oshkosh, Appleton, Green Bay, La Crosse, Eau Claire, and everywhere between!

Satisfaction Guaranteed

*Satisfaction is guaranteed - you'll love working with our clean-cut, professional Madison and Greater Milwaukee movers! Price Match Guarantee applies to any legitimate Madison or Milwaukee moving company at our discretion. Click here for more information on our Price Match Guarantee.


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